Sunday, September 14, 2008

Paso Doble Studio

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Pasodoble is based on music played at bullfights during the bullfighters' entrance (paseo) or during the passes (faena) just before the kill. The leader of this dance plays the part of the matador. The follower generally plays the part of the matador's cape, but can also represent the bull or a flamenco dancer in some figures.

The Steps to the Paso Doble

Paso Doble is a dance of posturing and high gestures by the man, and flowing circular steps around him by the woman , because the dance was developed in France, the steps to this Spanish dance actually have French names, such as chassez cape (to chase the cape). While most of the steps are technically led with the heel, because of the high posturing there is quite a bit of moving on the balls of the feet.

Man's Steps to the Basic

With the dancers in a rigid and closed dance frame, man's(lead) left hand clasping the woman's(follow) right held out from the body, and his right hand at her back, her left hand held at his bicep, the dancers need to keep a rigid and close hold throughout the steps.

The lead begins facing line of dance and steps forward with the left, letting the body rotate to the center of the dance floor as the right foot steps ahead. Remaining on the balls of the feet, beats 3-8 are stepped in a chasse.

The next eight beats begin with one of the "cape" moves, as the man takes three steps in a tight, counterclockwise circle, finishing off the last beats with side steps back against the line of dance.

All of these moves should be sharp and quick, with the chest and head held up and out epitomizing "pride and dignity."

Woman's Steps to the Basic

The follow basically mirrors the steps of the lead, moving backwards in the tight circle, using the motion to lend the impression of a flowing cape to the traditionally long skirts worn by the woman for the paso doble. The dance is very intensely connecting between the two, with eye contact and physical contact lending an urgent tension between the two dancers.
Other Steps

As mentioned before, many of the other steps in the Paso Doble have French names. The chassez cape is one of these, and is a good example of the way the dance mimics the traditional Spanish bullfights. After the dancers have gotten into promenade position, the steps proceed as follows:

1. The dancers step forward on beats one and two.
2. At beat three, the lead dips his right shoulder, as if lowering a cape before a bull.
3. This motion is carried into a step back on beat four and a 180-degree turn on beats five and six, so that now the lead is moving backwards and the follow is traveling "outside" (i.e., her feet are positioned to the side of the man's).
4. During the first four beats of the next measure, the man again dips his shoulder, moving the "cape" again until both dancers are again facing forward in promenade position.
5. Beat five contains a small "leap" performed by both dancers, with a flick of the foot up behind them.
6. Steps six through eight are spent collecting the feet together so that the dancers are facing each other as if beginning the basic position.

It can be seen from this example that not all steps in the paso doble can be blended into each other. In order to get from the basic step into the promenade position of the chassez cape there are tiny "surplus" steps taken to get the dancers into position. These steps are highly stylized with the same staccato motion as the rest of the dance.

While not the most popular of the ballroom dances, nor the easiest to learn, it can be a beautiful part of any dance fan's repertoire.

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